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RMN de mesa

RMN de mesa

NMR instruments can be classified into different sizes based on their physical dimensions and field strengths. Here are the common classifications:

High-Field Instrumentos de RMN: These are large-scale NMR instruments that operate at high magnetic field strengths typically ranging from several hundred to several thousand megahertz (megahercio). They are the most powerful and sophisticated NMR systems available and provide the highest resolution and sensitivity. High-field NMR instruments require dedicated laboratory spaces and infrastructure due to their size and complexity.

Mid-Field NMR Instruments: These instruments operate at intermediate magnetic field strengths, typically in the range of tens to a few hundred megahertz (megahercio). They are larger than benchtop NMR instruments but smaller than high-field systems. Mid-field NMR instruments offer good resolution and sensitivity and are often used in research and industrial settings for various applications.

RMN de mesa Instruments: These are compact and portable NMR instruments designed to be placed on laboratory benches or in small spaces. RMN de mesa instruments generally operate at low magnetic field strengths, usually a few hundred megahertz (megahercio) or less. While they may have lower resolution and sensitivity compared to high-field systems, benchtop NMR instruments are cost-effective, user-friendly, and suitable for routine analysis, educational purposes, and smaller-scale research projects.

Handheld NMR Instruments: Handheld NMR instruments are the smallest and most portable NMR devices available. They are designed for field applications and on-site measurements. Handheld NMR instruments typically operate at very low magnetic field strengths, often in the range of a few megahertz (megahercio) or even less. They offer limited resolution and sensitivity but provide quick and convenient analysis for certain applications, such as quality control in industries or non-destructive testing.

Analizador de RMN

RMN de mesa systems are commonly used in a variety of fields, including chemistry, materials science, pharmaceuticals, and food science. They provide researchers with the ability to analyze and characterize chemical compounds, determine molecular structures, study reaction kinetics, and measure the purity of samples.

Aplicaciones: RMN de mesa is commonly used for routine analysis, quality control, and reaction monitoring in chemistry laboratories. It is suitable for applications such as compound identification, purity determination, quantification, and characterization of small organic molecules. It can also be used for analyzing polymers, catalysts, food samples, and more.

Cost-effective: Traditional high-field NMR spectrometers are large, complex, and expensive instruments. RMN de mesa offers a more cost-effective alternative, making NMR technology more accessible to a broader range of researchers, including those with budget constraints.

Ease of use: RMN de mesa instruments are designed to be user-friendly and often come with intuitive software interfaces. They require less specialized training compared to high-field NMR spectrometers, enabling chemists and scientists with diverse backgrounds to operate them.

Limitations: Due to the lower magnetic field strength, benchtop NMR may have lower sensitivity and resolution compared to high-field instruments. Larger molecules or complex mixtures may present challenges for detailed structural analysis. Sin embargo, for many routine applications, benchtop NMR can still provide valuable information.

mohoso benchtop NMR instruments are designed to provide high-quality NMR measurements in a compact and user-friendly package. These instruments typically operate at low-field strengths, such as 0.5 Tesla (megahercio) or lower, which is suitable for many routine NMR applications. mohoso RMN de mesa instruments offer a convenient and affordable solution for many routine NMR applications in research and industry. While they may have some limitations compared to high-field NMR, they provide a practical option for many chemists and scientists who require NMR capabilities in their work.

NIUMAG PQ001 Series Benchtop NMR



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