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Система обучения МРТ Принцип ЯМР и теория магнитно-резонансной томографии EDUMR20-015V-I

Описание продукта EDUMR is a desktop NMR device designed for MRI experimental teaching. Courses to teach NMR principles and experiments through MRI demonstration can be created by including EDUMR in physical corresponding majors (modern physics, Прикладная физика, радиофизика, electronic engineering, и т. д.) or medical corresponding majors (large-scale medical apparatus, технология медицинской визуализации, биомедицинская инженерия, и т. д.). Extensive experimental courses and majors like NMR engineering related to hardware structure can also be established with through the use of EDUMR.

Основные параметры:

Тип магнита: постоянный магнит

Напряженность магнитного поля: 0.5±0,08 Тл

Катушка зонда: Ø15мм

Масса: 138Кг


1.NMR analyzing and imaging mechanism

Basic NMR analyzing and imaging mechanism

NMR phenomenon

Relaxation and NMR signal

Spatial orientation of NMR signal

NMR image reconstruction

Pulse sequence

2.MRI system

Magnet body system

РФ(radio frequency) system

Gradient field system

Spectrometer and computer system

Magnetic shielding and RF shielding

Pulse sequence

3.ЯМР&MRI Principium experiments

Mechanical and electronic shimming

Lamor frequency measurement by hard pulse FID sequence

FID sequence signal in rotating coordination system

1D-processing and gain adjustment of FID signal

Hard pulse RF measurement with hard pulse echo sequence

Soft pulse RF measurement with soft pulse FID sequence

Soft pulse echo sequence

T1 relaxation time measurement using inversion restoring method

T1 relaxation time measurement using saturation restoring method

T2 relaxation time measurement using hard pulse CPMG sequence

Chemical shift measurement of alcohol



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