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СтатьиНаука о жизни

Small Animal Body Composition Analysis

Small Animal Body Composition Analysis

A Mouse Model of Intrahepatic Fat Content

Obesity has become a public health problem that endangers human health globally. Obese people are more likely to have high blood pressure, диабет, fatty liver than normal people, and severe obesity can even lead to respiratory depression. Obesity is also an important factor in causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common liver disease with a prevalence of about 25%-40%.

Study on the mouse model of intrahepatic fat content

The traditional mouse model study of intrahepatic fat content can use chemical analysis, which is a standard measure of body composition. Существует также метод биоэлектрического импеданса. (БМА), рентгеновская абсорбционная спектрометрия двойной энергии (ДЭКСА), и т. д.. Эти методы имеют такие недостатки, как большая погрешность результатов измерений., небольшая сфера применения, и легкое влияние. This application notes introduces the small animal body composition analysis technology based on low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technology, which is very suitable for the study of liver fat content in mouse models.

In addition to the mouse model study of intrahepatic fat content, small animal body composition analysis technology can also be used for the measurement of body composition of rats and mice in vivo.

Small Animal Body Composition Analysis

The small animal body composition analyzer can quickly, точно и количественно измерить жир, lean meat and body fluid content of small animals when the small animal is awake and unrestrained, без анестезии. Без всякого вреда, это упрощает эксперимент, экономит затраты на эксперимент, and carries out the follow-up study on a single mouse or small animal. By monitoring the physiological parameters of small animals for a long time, действие различных препаратов, упражнение, external factors and nutrition on the physiological indicators of animals were investigated.

Small animal body composition analysis technology is mainly used for quantitative analysis of metabolism-related components such as fat, нежирное мясо и жидкости организма, помощь в проверке активных ингредиентов в лекарствах, и исследования этиологии и патогенеза заболеваний обмена веществ..

Small animal body composition analyzer performance characteristics:

  1. Быстрый тест: тест простой и быстрый, и весь процесс тестирования занимает не более 1 минуты;
  2. The sample does not need pretreatment: образец не нужно подвергать анестезии или умерщвлять;
  3. Результаты теста: Результаты теста: содержание жира и содержание мышц., которые надежны и правдивы, с высокой стабильностью и хорошей повторяемостью;
  4. Применимость: Small animals such as live rats, мышей и кроликов можно измерить;



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